Thursday, January 30, 2025

Kumbaya? Pollyanna? Or Real Threat to Capital?

 Anti-Fascist Front / Left United Front?

The Trump administration, managed by the Heritage Foundation, a clown car of dangerous appointees and cash from Silicon Valley billionaires, is finally trying to realize their 50 year plan to privatize and destroy any aspect of the 'administrative' welfare state. Sending 'buyout' e-mails to millions of federal workers; arranging camps for millions of undocumented workers; trying a funding freeze on programs for millions of indigent workers; firing a good number of internal inspectors and pardoning their fascist street bullies is their memo to the actual working-class. The Republicans are going to the hard, Libertarian right on nearly every political and economic issue per Project 2025, in a shotgun approach designed to destabilize any opposition.

Back in the Day

Like a pretend Gulliver, the Republicans 'might' be restrained by the courts, their own overreaching and even by some Lilliputian Democrats. It's as if Fox News is now running social reality, with the White House Blonde telling us that it's not just violent thugs, shop lifters or traffic violators - they understand every undocumented worker to be a criminal and probably every federal worker to be a woke leech. This while the kleptocracy associated with the Trump crime family, Cabinet office holders and oligarchical government contractors gleefully feed at the tax trough and issue crypto meme coins.

If you sense that capitalist leadership has turned a 'corner,' perhaps even fallen into a hole, you'd be right. Desperate right-wing radicals and incompetence in the service of Ayn Rand and Mussolini reflects a capitalism in disarray. It's actually a sign of weakness. Trump’s re-election, along with gains by other authoritarian forces across the world, marks the beginning of the end of liberalism as a dominant capitalist strategy in developed bourgeois states. Consent is no longer required. A larger and larger faction of the capitalist class is moving towards autocracy and hyper-nationalism given its inability to grow profit or ‘growth’ in any other way.

Tariffs and deportations, tax cuts for the rich, along with decimating the government's role, could prompt a deep recession or worse. Recent reports of farm workers not showing up for work will cause fruit, meat and vegetable shortages. The decimation of the health system could add another pandemic to the mix. The acceleration of anti-global warming efforts will only supercharge disasters, which are now reflected in the fraught U.S. housing sector. Trump's threats to seize Greenland and the Panama Canal reflects the new interest in direct territorial acquisitions by a 'greater' Israel and Russia. Climate, war, poverty and crime are forcing millions across the world to move. A large increase in poverty, racism, unemployment, homelessness and violence will be the domestic result.

This marks what some leftists for years have called ‘late stage’ capitalism. This time it seems quite real, especially with climate change and the increasing lack of credibility by the liberal or centrist parties, starting with the U.S. Democrats. The result will be both an increase in fascist and reactionary mobilizations defending the turn, and a responding increase in class struggle. This could lead more and more people towards revolutionary solutions, especially the young. What is going to be required is unprecedented. How should the actual Left respond?


In my town the socialist left is made up of small groups with influence in the anti-war movement, the labor movement and even the local Democratic Farmer-Labor Party. The Minneapolis City Council includes some supporters of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), a social-democratic organization with a main strategy of turning the Democrats to the left … for now. Other city council's across the country, like Chicago, also have DSA'ers on them. DSA has been losing members since the Sander's movement fell apart, yet still has around 50,000 members on paper. Also in town are the China-liners in the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO); Trotskyists in the Revolutionary Communists of America (RCA) and Socialist Alternative (SAlt); neo-Marcyites in the Party of Socialism and Liberation (PSL) and former IWW anarcho-syndicalists in the Workers' Solidarity Circle (WSC?). All these organizations are somewhat small but other groups in town like the Socialist Workers' Party and the Communist Party are smaller. I even talked to two quirky Enver Hoxha fans, an absurd hangover from the past.

FRSO, RCA, SAlt and PSL all had their own 'anti-Trump' rallies alone.  Instead DSA blocked with the WSC for a large meeting – the only groups smart enough to actually work together. Now I don't want to echo the fascist brownshirt who organized the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville in 2017, which failed because they couldn't refrain from killing and injuring their opponents. Yet the hard Right – the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, 3%ers, Patriot Front, etc. – have been growing since that shit-show. The pardon of their members after January 6 is a green-light by the Trump Administration for future violence and actions. The point is that we need our own united front against this turn. I've been called a 'Pollyanna' by isolated and hardened sectarians who believe the slogan 'workers of the world unite' is possible but a modicum of Left unity isn't ... which seems a pretty absurd contradiction. As if the Left is so rotten that some kind of joint work is impossible. Is that true? 

The 'small group' mentality mentioned by Lenin is among us. My intimate experience with a good number of groups is that each thinks they will be catapulted to stardom by their own individual efforts and skills. In a complex class structure like the U.S. with its various strata of proletarians, the odds that 'one party' can be the only force left standing or relevant is almost absurd. Even in Russia after the 1917 revolution there were 3 groups that could have participated in the government, as 2 were invited in by the Bolsheviks. In the German revolutions it was not just the Spartacus League that attempted a council republic, or the CP later. Recently in semi-successful attempts by the actual Left to influence politics, it was a Left electoral united front in Sri Lanka and France that gained a level of power.

Power is what the labor movement needs and the emphasis should be on 'long-term' power, not just episodic marches or events, which have become increasingly ineffective. They are huge, then they shrink time and time again. The George Floyd protests and the Gaza marches are only the latest examples of this. If you think your picket line of 75 anti-war people or performative rituals of banner-waving will lead to peace or power, you are deeply mistaken. It's the left version of writing a letter to your Congress person.  

Transitional approaches are key to this, not micro-demands and reformist isolation. Trade unions are forms of long-term power, but they are not revolutionary organizations. They make bargains with their employers or the state. They are part of 'normal' capitalist functioning, though normality is now slipping away. While tethered to the milquetoast Democrats, even trade unions could one day join transitional efforts like independent labor candidates, a Labor Party or a United Front against Fascism. Non-profits and single-issue activist and community groups, of which the Twin Cities is overrun, are also forms of 'long termism,' but are isolated and nearly always reformist.

The Heritage Foundation, the Republican Party, the inheritors of the mantle of the John Birch Society and the Ku Klux Klan, worked together for years to get to the point of the second Trump regime and Project 2025. On the other hand the leadership of the Democratic Party has no goal except to maintain things as they are. They have no emancipatory social agenda except perhaps weakly alleviating some of the problems of capitalism. Their recent defeat only puts paid to their long-time abandonment of working-class needs.

A united front against fascism and a Left united front, (which would still allow organizational independence,) based on transitional and long-term approaches, is the only thing that can revive the labor movement and defend the class at this point. Many people secretly agree and have for years. However few organizations understand the gravity of the present situation, which is actually 'over their heads.' Conditions will force some of these groups to work together on a longer-term basis, along with pressure from their own base or the working-class at large once they understand this problem of the Left.

Prior blogspot reviews on this subject, use blog search box, upper left, to investigate our 19 year archive, using these terms: “DSA,” “anti-fascist,” “united front.”

Red Frog / January 30, 2025

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