Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Small Bites

“Microverses – Observations from a Shattered Present” by Dylan Riley, 2022

This book is a series of notes by a Marxist sociologist, tiled in a mosaic of short chapters that run from one paragraph to a couple of pages, covering the period of the pandemic, Trump’s reign to Biden.  It is mostly easy, bite-size thinking with some notes covering the same issue.  They remind one of Zizek except less chaotic.  Riley’s a sociology professor at UC Berkeley and works for New Left Review, so there is a bit of obscure academia included here too. 

Riley debates post-modernism, post-colonial relativism, Bourdieu, ‘racial’ capitalism, anti-political sociology, Judith Butler, Polyani and various anti-Marxist methods, using references to Durkheim, Weber, Gramsci, Lukács, Hayek, Marx and others in his analysis of ‘political capitalism’ – i.e. the heavily state-involved form of capital we now have.  He champions a ‘critical sociology’ interested in ideas.  The two ghosts that hang over these notes are 1, anti-materialist ‘identity’ academia and 2, a social-democracy that limits itself to a philosophy of ‘equality’ and ‘fairness,’ a method he opposes.

Here are some good quotes: 

1.            “Marxism … sociology’s ‘ur-antagonist.’”

2.           “Did Emperor Hirohito suffer politically from the monumentally idiotic attack on Pearl Harbor?”

3.           “The increasing importance of political power as a determinant of the rate of return is one of the basic reasons for the hollowing out of democracy.  Market power and political power tend to fuse.”

4.           Re: “… in the ideology of the capitalist state… it is not the person or the class that rules, but the subject-less order.”

5.           “Trump … unmasked the fiction of the impersonal state.”

6.           “Socialism is already here … it only needs a crisis to reveal it.” (re: government interventions during the pandemic, 2007-2008, etc.)

7.           Riley opposes the ‘stay in your own lane’ privileging of individual experience and identity, as real knowledge is not just personal, anecdotal or through ‘stories,’ but mediated by history, theory, materialism and facts.

8.           The pandemic revealed:  “…the agony of the petit-bourgeoisie.” (Shop-keepers, farmers, etc.)

9.           Centrism…”chloroforms the young DSA left.”

10.       “Mitch McConnell, that … mediocre, white-collar dad…” And:  “When will the crackers produce a Bernie?”

11.       ‘Woke’ politics “is not being fought on the ground of political economy.”

12.        “Social democracy is the actual attempt to violate, and in that way test, the Marxian universal statement” … that “there is no legal transition to socialism.”

13.       Riley understands that ‘anti-theoretical’ people reveal their own theories in denying theory.

14.       Riley wants the Left to “…spend less energy on outrage…” (Note to FB users.)

15.       “The state is an object of struggle among competing political capitalist elites.”

16.       “Why are there so many mediocrities in power with all the incessant chatter about the value of education?”  Remember, Ted Cruz is a graduate of Harvard Law and most prominent politicians are law grads with JDs.

17.       “As if difficult ideas themselves were obstacles to the smooth circulation of commodities...”

18.       Riley understands socialism to be:  “…an absolute flourishing of individuality where people are neither equal to one another, nor unequal to one another; they are instead irreducibly unique…”

19.       Under advanced capitalism “there is no class culture.”

20.       Re academics:  “…a challenge to the ‘canon’ poses the threat of the rapid devaluation of fixed assets.” (i.e. a professor’s intellectual ‘property’ ideas have become outmoded and hence, less valuable.)

21.       Riley points out that the change from direct slavery to share-cropping was not an economically-advanced method of agriculture, and helped keep the south in poverty-stricken, racist backwardness for at least 100 years.

22.       Riley attacks the concept of the ‘culture’ of the misnamed ‘underclass.’ Poverty is riven with the homogenization and goals of bourgeois culture too.

23.       Most people experience capitalism as “a society of small-scale traders.”

24.       Capitalism is far more than ‘unfair’ or ‘unjust’ – “it is a system of social production of historically unprecedented complexity and scope…”

25.       “The preliminary task of a socialist politics is to decrease the cost of acting politically in class ways.”

26.       Socialism could be described as ‘the extended order of human cooperation…”

27.       “…decolonizers never get around to the analysis of ideas.”

28.       To the liberals – “…history is the history of court battles” with movements acting as cheerleaders.  Lawyers become the cadre and ‘general organizers.’ 

29.       “…anti-corruption … becomes an alternative to the politics of redistribution.”  Scandal also plays this role.

30.       “… gender is the product of the division of social labor between productive and reproductive functions.”

31.       “…racism becomes a lay theory that explains uneven development.”

32.       Marx understood human emancipation to require “the elimination of race as a social category.” (Riley still erroneously uses ‘race’ instead of skin color…)

33.       “… the union leader has an interest in the maintenance of capitalism through his interest in maintaining the group called ‘workers’.”

Lukacs - a Riley inspiration

Riley claims that the petit-bourgeoisie is not analyzed in the U.S., which is patently false.  The obsessive “PMC” chatter in Jacobin is evidence of that.  So is the observation of the small owner base of Trumpism, fascist groups and the Republican Party or the professional strata of Democratic Party loyalists by many leftists.  He also seems to think that nationalism still has a future, when all around us there is evidence of the interconnectedness of economies, politics, the environment, war and peoples.  Nationalism, like racism and sexism, is an archaic ideology due to objective changes in the world – which is not to say it is not still useful to national ruling classes.  It seems he also does not grasp the labor exploitation and social labor of many white and pink collar workers.

But given these caveats, a somewhat ‘fun’ book to read.

Prior blog reviews on this subject, use search box, upper left, to investigate our 15 year archive, using these terms: “Zizek,” “Marxism versus PostModernism,” “Fashionable Nonsense,” “From Factory to Metropolis,” “The Ten Assumptions of Science,” “Elite Capture,” “Mistaken Identity,” “Toward Freedom – the Case Against Race Reductionism,” “Understanding Class,” “Riot, Strike, Riot,” “Giants – The Global Power Elite,” “Rich People Things,” "Georg Lukacs - Record of a Life."  

And I bought it at May Day Books!

Red Frog

September 20, 2022

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