Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Pattern Recognition

“Seeing Red – Redshifts, Cosmology and Academic Science,” by Halton Arp, 1998 
Halton Arp was a working observational cosmologist who challenged the dominant theory of an expanding universe subsequent to a supposed Big Bang.  This book is a series of detailed scientific descriptions of his and others’ empirical work which indicates that the Hubble-discovered ‘redshift’ is not based on a (receding) distance or velocity from the observer, but based on the age of the objects being viewed.  Arp looks at young stars, quasars, companion galaxies and galaxy clusters and found that relatively equidistant objects had vastly different red-shifts, with the younger ones much higher. "Youth" was a function of energy and matter formed by the action of the universe. The former theory of redshift as meaning distance, velocity or spatial expansion – which even Hubble denied was the sole explanation – is the key ‘evidence’ of the expanding universe and Big Bang theory.
Galaxy and quasars with different redshifts connected

Arp might say we live in an infinite dynamic universe or an ever-changing universe instead.

Arp uses a fascinating and large selection of galactic charts, drawings and photographs proving his assertions, which laypeople can understand.  He also references how dominant cosmologists, editors and referees ignored data, claimed evidence was ‘a one off’ or ‘noise’ or made-up, denied telescope time and publication rights or ridiculed or slandered Arp with vitriol.  Science, as Marxists understand, is part of society.  Hence social pressures, careers, grants, money and prominence all play a role when a dominant theory is challenged. Material pressures can dictate ‘ideas.’  Publicly-funded telescopes and research were controlled by a small group of  academic scientists whose job was to publish ‘new findings’ - not ward off data that threatens old theories.  Yet they many times ignored Arp.  As retailed in Thomas Kuhn’s book “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions,” conservative science resists new ideas and data until it can no longer do so – and it does not do it by scientific means.  That is what is happening now, though the conservative ‘party-line’ still tries to rule cosmology with an iron fist.

The first observational evidence that the redshift was not always about distance or receding distances came in 1950s and has continued since then.  Arp and others observed the fact that powerful central galaxies and nearby quasars, stars, galaxies and galaxy clusters were not ‘colliding bodies or ‘distant objects’, as conventional cosmology maintains.  The red-shift was actually intrinsic to connected bodies, not a function of distance.  Nor do all galaxies have the same luminosity, so being ‘faint’ does not always mean they are farther away.

As somewhat of a literary aside, Arp favors the term ‘white hole’ at the center of galaxies, referring not to a compression of matter, but a nuclear fountain spewing out matter, as the images clearly showed older galaxies producing materialized matter.  He tracked how new matter is being created at the center of galaxies out of nuclear activity, creating mass-energy in different forms much younger than 15B.  The Big Bang maintains that all matter was created at the split second of the Big Bang.  He and others located evidence of materials older than 15 billion years.  Arp points out that congealed matter is still being created inside these galaxies and that the universe is not simplistically homogeneous or uniform.

The "Einstein Cross" - 4 Quasars and one Dwarf Galaxy

Through his and others multiple observations, Arp tracked jets and filaments of various types of matter ejected from active galaxies, mostly in straight-lines from galaxy cores, including characteristic opposed twin-ejections.  The new clusters, galaxies, BL Lacs, quasars and stars produced have higher red-shifts than the older objects.  The party-line decrees this could only mean they were distant, background galaxies, NOT in or near the parent galaxies or galaxy clusters or related to them. From the multiple illustrations of Virgo, Fornax, Centaurus and Andromeda galaxy clusters, as well as the single galaxies in the book, it is obvious they are connected.

In the process of arguing about the distance question, Arp and others debunk the “Einstein Cross” theory that claimed ‘gravitational lensing’ created the images of the 'cross' - 4 near quasars around 1 central active dwarf galaxy in the sky.  This central dwarf galaxy supposedly bent distant quasar light images around itself.  Actually no images ‘bent’ – these celestial bodies all exist at roughly the same distance.  Upon closer examination, the quasars and center galaxy were connected.

He also delves into the stepped values of redshifts, indicating that increasing or decreasing matter and time interact in such a way that electron spins change in a measured way, causing the redshift change.  The changes are not random, as standard redshift theory holds.  As he puts it somewhat poetically, if daily time is determined by the spinning of the earth, and the seasons by revolutions around the sun, perhaps matter time is based on the revolutions of the electrons in matter.  It gets deep, doesn’t it?  But also very simple and clear.  Arp on theory:  “This is the kind of theory we are looking for – simple, capable of being visualized – one that can connect together the puzzling observational facts that presently confound understanding.”  He is not talking about ginned-up fake science.  As an example, his theory of the age of particle mass leading to redshift values gets rid of the fantasy of ‘dark matter’ that so many Big Bang proponents have been looking for forever.

On a personal level, ‘Chip’ Arp continued his research in the face of rejections, even by compatriots like Fred Hoyle who also thought the Big Bang was wrong.  He seems to be a humble but persistent person who knows he has the facts – unlike the establishment scientists.  They reject facts that do not fit their theory, contrary to the scientific method.  This book basically puts the nail in the coffin of the redshift as proof of an expanding universe.  Arp died in 2013 in Munich, Germany.

Arp does not get into other issues related to the Big Bang like the magical ‘dimensionless singularity’ that supposedly started it all.  As he mentions, the word 'singularity' means it is outside known physics or science. The Big Bang is really a Christian origin story, dressed up in obscurantist scientism.  It has almost no empirical basis.  As Arp notes, essentially the majority of astronomers have recreated a medieval church.  The Big Bang  is theorized as the initial impulse of a universe that might also result in the ‘heat death’ of the universe, which Marx and Lenin opposed for scientific and philosophic reasons.  Present science should follow their lead and Arp’s.

Other reviews on this subject below, use blog search box, upper left:  “The Big Bang Never Happened,” “Big Bang Goes Boom!” “The Philosophy of Space-Time,” “The Dialectical Universe,” “Reason in Revolt,” “The Big Bang Theory is a Situation Comedy,” “Marx and the Earth,” “The Ten Assumptions of Science,” “Ubiquity – Why Catastrophes Happen,” “Astrology.”

And I bought it at May Day’s excellent cutout/used book section!

Red Frog

August 28, 2019

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