Monday, December 16, 2024

A United Front ... of sorts

 “Worker's Assembly” at the United Labor Centre, Minneapolis, Mn. USA - 12/15/2024

In response to the election of Donald Trump and his anti-labor plans, an assembly of union and non-union workers convened at the Labor Centre in Minneapolis. They somehow rechristened it as a ‘Workers Solidarity Circle.’  It was a united front meeting of sorts, led by the Black Cat Collective, “Red Time” and the Democratic Socialists of America. The BC Collective seems to be a bit of a reconstitution of folks formerly in the IWW.  Individuals from many unions attended:  UFCW, HERE, MFT, CWA, Carpenters, MNA, NALC, MAPE, SEIU, SPFE, UDAM along with some activists from CTUL and PSL that I know of.  It somewhat reminded me of the old Twin Cities Labor Party, which gathered together nearly every labor leftist in the Cities in the ‘90s, though not centered on independent labor political action as was the Labor Party.

The meeting seemed to be a way to blow off steam, to meet other activists, and to prepare in some way for what is coming.  Three Socialist Left groups in the Twin Cities – the Revolutionary Communists of America, Freedom Road and Socialist Alternative – had previously held individual meetings to prepare for the anti-labor assault by Trump, but they were not in evidence at this meeting.

The meeting was chaired by a CWA officer.  Short talks were given by an organizer of the Delta ground workers campaign; an MFT teacher, a HERE member from Northfield and an AFSCME librarian. They spoke about how Trump connected with more workers in various places than previously as the Democrats orientation to war, Gaza, the UMC, Wall Street and moderate Republicans made them seem the ‘establishment’ party.  This in a time of financial stress which ‘Bidenomics’ ignored.  One said that liberals ‘grease the skids’ for reaction, as they did in the election. This is an insight from the struggle against fascism in Germany.    

Other speakers pointed out that 35% of the population didn’t vote.  Some mentioned that the guardrails and ‘buffers’ of ordinary liberal capitalism could come down, such as the destruction of the Department of Education, increasing ‘charterization’ of the school system and privatization of the Post Office.  In addition ‘buffers’ like the NLRB and the arbitration process for unions could be decimated.  No one mentioned the thousands of possible U.S. government workers who could be laid off and replaced by Republican acolytes in various federal positions, per Project 2025.  Instead of disaster capitalism one said we need ‘disaster revolution.’  A speaker agreed and pointed out the need for ‘class struggle unionism’ as a method to eventually end capitalism as a way out of the declining trajectory of world capitalism. 

Then the crowd of about 75 or more broke up into 9 talking groups to discuss 3 questions:  1, why the election of Trump; 2, what this means for workers; 3, what to do about it.  Each group reported back to the assembled some of the points made in these talking groups, which reminded me of some ultra-democratic Occupy meetings except for the organized efforts of unionists to keep things on track.  Thank god. 

Some things brought up in the smaller meetings:  Somalis, unionists and Latinos voted for Trump in much larger numbers. Others suffered from apathy or non-involvement in politics due to disgust.  Labor and leftist activists could be targeted as ‘terrorists’ by the government.  Health care will be decimated from the top by RFK Jr. and Dr. Oz.  Immigrants in factories will be assailed by ICE round-ups. Physical threats against the Left and even unions by militias will increase. A national ban on abortion is possible now.  The muzzling of speech is already happening, witness Gaza protesters.

More:  This trend in the U.S. is part of an international move by capital across the globe, presaging the end of neo-liberalism.  The capitalist faction fight represented by both major Parties has weakened their hold on national politics, leaving an opening for the actual Left. Liberal and centrist institutions are already folding in the face of Trump, starting with the courts and then media like ABC and the LA Times.  A coming postal worker’s strike over wages may be the first flash-point.  Physical defense might be necessary in the future. And so on … touching on many other issues.

Announcements were made at the closing of the meeting, including a massive vote for flight attendant unionization on the horizon.  This Assembly or Circle, or whatever you want to call it, said they will try to have a general meeting 4 times a year, and will also plan actions and events in between.  I think it is imperative that a United Front of every Left class struggle organization be formed to oppose the coming assault on labor institutions, rights and power, along with social gains.  This meeting was a small step in that direction and is perhaps being replicated across the country. 

Prior blogspot reviews on this subject, use blog search box, upper left, to investigate our 17 year archive using the terms: "May Day" or 'union' or 'united front.'

Red Frog / December 16, 2024 

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