Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Anarcho-Capitalist Paradises

 “Crack-Up Capitalism – Market Radicals and the Dream of a World Without Democracy” by Quinn Slobodian, 2023

It’s rather an odd title but it perceives a trend in modern capitalism that understands capital does not need any kind of democratic system or rights.  This is not a secret to Marxists, as Marxists have always held that actual democratic tasks can only be carried out by the working classes in a struggle against capital.  This reactionary authoritarian vision has been pursued across the world and is picking-up steam, including in the U.S.  It is a form of complete corporate control under the rule of the dollar/ yuan/ pound etc., backed up by a state that nurtures that project in specific, usually small geographic areas.  It is the dream of neo-liberals, libertarians, anarcho-capitalists, Republican market zealots and authoritarian rulers across the globe.  It might remind one of the ‘Seastead’ plans of tech bros like Peter Theil – creating corporate nations on ocean platforms or desert islands free from all government.  After 'defeating communism' for a time, the next capitalist target is government itself, a form of hated ‘socialism.’  “First they came for the Communists…”

What this means is in certain geographic locations the elimination of taxes, regulations, unions, socialists, democrats, communists, liberals, critical newspapers, voting, elections, independent community organizations, socially-owned land and any government program that benefits the laboring classes.  Any left-over state is only there to guarantee the laws protect wealth and property, support the currency and fight foreign capitalists with a military. It is an authoritarian variant dominated by businessmen - a kinder form of quasi-fascism because it is imposed by money, not so much by brute force.  

The ‘crack’ is what Slobodian calls the many ‘zones’ across the world that allow intense geographic exploitation to exist – not just on a national basis. His colorful phrase is ‘pixilated geographies.’ This is under many names: ‘special export zones’ (SEZs) in China; tax havens on islands, in U.S. states and small countries; tax-free and tax-supported real-estate frenzy that is London’s Canary Wharf; ‘export processing zones’ in Ciskei, Singapore and the colony of Puerto Rico; or ‘tax free zones,’ free ports, enterprise zones, ‘foreign trade zones,’ ‘duty free’ spaces, gated communities - whatever you want to call them.  All point to places were national laws are suspended.

Hong Kong and Singapore

According to Slobodian, it all started in Hong Kong, which Milton Friedman praised to the sky in the 1970s at the same time he was lauding the bloody Chilean coup. In Hong Kong – to this day – the large landlords and capitalists are basically allowed to run the city directly, providing a cash window to China in both directions. They were one of the first to adopt a ‘flat tax’ for instance. The Chinese SEZs of Shenzhen, which provided long-term land leases for private corporations, were initially a product of Hong Kong capital. The Chinese government was inspired by Singapore’s example too, sending hundreds of groups to study their economy and methods of “Confucian capitalism.” Slobodian considers China to be ‘state capitalist,’ instead of a deformed workers’ state trying to manage a huge capitalist sector.  Even Brexit was inspired by Singapore, an attempt to make the U.K. an unfettered free-trade paradise with the British capitalists not burdened by any EU laws. What the Brexiteers ignored was that Singapore’s state actually planned for the citizen population, putting 80% in public housing. This does not jive with the Tories desire to destroy the ‘nanny’ state. Singapore’s treatment does not extend to the huge immigrant workforce though, which is kept in fenced dormitories, echoing a familiar legal binary of citizen/immigrant.

Neo-Confederate 'protest'

Fragmentation is the Goal

Slobodian tracks other Freidmanite paradises – for instance the Ciskei Bantustan inside South Africa, which was promoted by libertarians as a site of apartheid ‘freedom.’ It fit into the libertarian ethos of ‘cracking-up’ national states.  They celebrated the legitimization of micro-states like Lesotho, Andorra; Lichtenstein, Monaco and San Marino; the destruction of Yugoslavia and the USSR; the splitting of Czechoslovakia; the neo-Confederate plans in the U.S. for a separate racist, anti-labor Republican South or a ‘Greater Idaho.’ A libertarian goal is ‘the unlimited right of secession’ - so national division, not unity, is the plan or hope.  It’s anarcho-capitalism based on capitalist control and ethnic identity, bent to weaken, then end national and international ‘states.’

Slobodian ties together the Mont Pelerin Society; the von Mises Institute; Ron Paul, David Freidman, the Neo-Confederate League of the South and various libertarian, ‘paleo-libertarian,’ ‘paleo-conservative,’ racist, fascist and Alt-right ideologues.  They are based on survivalist, gold-standard economics; a geography of city-states and villages a la the Middle-Ages; the ideas of small business, clan law and mercenary greed wrapped in a stateless fantasy.  Universal suffrage and labor are invisible to them, while (white) identity politics are key to their plans for unity in the U.S.  The neo-Confederate dream is based on the real movement of capital south looking for higher profits on cheap labor, corporate welfare from states and lower taxes – to Memphis, Louisville, Atlanta, North Carolina, Dallas and the rest of Texas.  

Gated Communities and a Gated ‘Country’

Slobodian takes a look at private gated communities in the U.S. South and West; the archaic country of Liechtenstein and the atrocity that is Dubai; the situation in Somalia and the popes of Silicon Valley and their ‘metaverse.’  For Slobodian these are all examples of the current ‘crack-up’ of national boundaries - a ‘soft-secession’ so to speak.  Some of the theorists he cites desire to go back to pagan tribal or Medieval law, not national laws. You might see echoes of this in the current glut of Teutonic, Celtic or Viking pagan historical fiction on streaming or green ‘deep ecology’ and survivalist thinkers. “Back to the Past!” is their slogan.  The rules of segregated gated communities – blooming in the West and South - were developed by lawyers, property developers and insurance companies, not by ‘free individuals.’  Company towns and company stores are the ‘modern’ result…even child labor and forms of slavery.  "I owe my soul..."

Liechtenstein is a medieval ‘principality’ ruled by a billionaire monarch enthused about libertarianism.  It is in a tiny European mountain valley and one of the largest tax havens in the world.  It provides complete secrecy, tax evasion, money-laundering and security for a roll-call of dictators, famous people and criminals.  Corporations also find it beneficial.  Liechtenstein imports its workers every day, like so many other wealthy enclaves.  This principality is beloved of knuckle-draggers, perhaps because they can cosplay royalty.  In certain ways it’s very similar to Dubai – the tiny size, the royal family, a homeland for the rich and the every-present imported workers, who make up the vast majority of the Dubai population.

The creepy emirate of Dubai

Somalia, Dubai

Failed states are actually not so horrible to the far libertarian right, which seems to make sense given the Republican ‘Freedom’ Caucus vow to shut-down the U.S. government.  According to Slobodian they were enthused about the Somali state breakdown in the 1990s, which forced the country into competing ethnic enclaves and Islamist violence.  A libertarian ideologist developed a plan to create a ‘White Clan” in northern Somalia running a ‘free port’ on the ocean, which would become a business hub, with rules laid down by his ‘clan.’  That fantasy failed, like so many others.  The unrecognized Somaliland Republic in the north of Somalia already had a key trading port at Berbera. They did economically better than the rest of the country, with the massive help of Dubai and an actual local government.

Dubai is a monarchy, a multi-billion emirate sitting on the Persian Gulf, part of the UAE. In the 2000s its economy grew at an average of 13% a year, faster than China. It has been called the poster child for capitalism without democracy.  The emirate is run by a sheikh with a council of unelected business heads, as Dubai, Inc.  There are no elections, labor unions, political parties, income taxes, a free press or anything that might impinge on capital. It is built based on oil-wealth and the exploitation of the labor of hundreds of thousands of workers imported into the tiny enclave in the Kafala system.  This has created a vast and absurd city playground for the rich, Islamic and not. Even the idiotic movie “Sex and the City 2” had to visit.  

If you think that a capitalist faction dreaming of ending democracy is some kind of silly scare show, this book might set you right.  You could also try to turn a whole country into an ethnic free fire zone for capital, like Modi is doing in India.  The book doesn’t get to the level of looking at fascism either, as Slobodian ignores that possibility, but that is another avenue that capital can take in its quest to crush the proletariat. I think the latter is much more likely due to the opposition that will – and is – developing against authoritarian capital.  But these enclaves tell a tale about the present goal of the wealthy.

Prior blog reviews on this subject, use blog search box, upper left, to investigate our 16 year archive, using these terms:  “Marxism versus Libertarianism,” “Who is Ron Paul?” “RFK Jr. the Libertarian,” “Anarchism and its Aspirations,” “Slave States,” “Modern DeFacto Slavery,” “The Wealth Hoarders,” “Monument,” “The Neo-Confederate States,”  “A Confederacy of Dunces?”  “A Minnesota Yankee in King Trump’s Court,” “Against the Fascist Creep,” “Shrinking the Technosphere” (Orlov). 

And I bought it at May Day Books!

Red Frog

September 20, 2023

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