Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Observational Astronomy, Not Math

 Anyone Seen the Edge of the Universe Yet?

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a massive improvement over the Hubble telescope in its abilities to see into deep space.  Are there any tentative insights we can draw so far other than being in awe of the gorgeous pictures sent back by it?

Its iris size is 25 square meters, with 100 times the power of Hubble, with the ability to detect far more infrared light.   It has shown baby stars in formation out of dust and gas, and dying stars slowly darkening.  It shows black holes emitting gases, not sucking them in.  Water vapor has been detected on a giant planet 1,150 light years away. Of most import is the first Deep Field photo of an area of the universe the size of a grain of sand, which shows a countless variety of galaxies receding into the distance.

Infinity is a concept that Einstein ruled out of his conception of the space / time continuum.  Humans cannot literally grasp the concept, as it overwhelms thought and emotion.  The Deep Field photo hints at how large the universe is… with no end in sight as yet, no curving back, no edge...  The other photos show that objects in the universe are not static objects, but evolve in both directions, dying and being born.  The universe is not heading towards a general ‘heat-death’ at all given these photos, much as Engels and Lenin argued long ago.  It is a changing universe...

Some of the galaxies in these photos are almost the supposed age of the Big Bang (13.8B years), which is making some cosmologists wonder how a fully-formed galaxy could exist so soon after its ‘birth.’  One of the oldest is dubbed “Glassy,” whose age is 13.4B. This is not the first time massive objects have been discovered that could not have formed in time – like a full-grown human out of a woman’s womb, or the earth in 7 days.  In short, the conventional Big Bang theory of galaxy formation cannot account for how these massive structures formed so quickly.  Also of consequence is the composition of these galaxies – of heavier elements than hydrogen and helium, confounding the conventional theory of the Big Bang which limits them to hydrogen and helium.  

Size is also an issue – especially as structures in the universe have to be limited to 250 million light years wide by the theory.  In 2021 observational astronomers – not mathematicians – located the “Giant Arc,” which is 3.3B light years long, another so-called impossibility.  Lerner himself notes that some of these galaxies are too small and smooth in size, or big ones too smooth, to pair up with the BB theory that galaxies are products of collisions, especially large ones. 

Some traditional cosmologists are having second thoughts, while the majority are circling the wagons once again by adjusting galaxy birth rates.  After all, research time, academic positions, publication, intellectual prestige, pay and grants all hinge on being on the side of the BB.  Eric Lerner, one of a number of cosmologists who are against the Big Bang and have been sidelined and censored for it, has written about the JWST discoveries in a more expansive article: “The Big Bang Didn’t Happen. Big Bang Didn't Happen Article

Ref:  In Defense of Marxism, #39, ‘The James Webb Telescope.’

P.S. - Even Neil deGrasse Tyson is having to defend the Big Bang in public now.

P.P.S. - YouTube astronomy podcasts are now full of disses of the flawed Big Bang theory, which has been teetering for years.

Prior reviews on this subject, use blog search box, upper left, to investigate our 15 year archive, using these terms:  The Big Bang Never Happened,” “Big Bang Goes Boom!” “The Philosophy of Space-Time,” “The Dialectical Universe,” “Reason in Revolt,” “The Big Bang Theory is a Situation Comedy,” “Marx and the Earth,” “The Ten Assumptions of Science,” “Ubiquity – Why Catastrophes Happen,” “Astrology,” “Tired Light – an Explanation of Redshifts in a Static Universe,” “The Crisis in Cosmology: A Marxist Analysis,” “The Einsteinian Universe?” "Seeing Red - Redshifts, Cosmology and Academic Science." 

The Cultural Marxist


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