Tuesday, February 18, 2020


“Bullet Points and Punch Lines - the Most Important Commentary Ever Written on the Epic American Tragicomedy,” by Lee Camp, 2020

Lee Camp is one of the most prominent left-wing comedians in the U.S. He’s even been compared to George Carlin, but I’m not sure Carlin ever denounced imperialism.  Camp works from the dirty facts that mainstream comedians and media ignore, punctuating the misery with swearing and sexual metaphors that emphasize how ludicrous the system is.  It’s called satire!  Endorsed by a whole host of leftish luminaries and targeted by the New York Times (which retracted large bits of its hit piece eventually) Camp proves he is smarter than a bag of hammers.

This book covers many of his most important factual finds, crimes his team found searching the journo-sphere for muckraking dirt.  First off is $21 trillion in unaccounted spending from the Offense Department budget between 1998 and 2015.  Surprised?  You shouldn’t be.  The Pentagon has never been audited until last year, though audits were legally required since the early 1990s.  They were finally audited in 2019 and, yes, they failed the audit.  The Pentagon is basically a large black box full of money sloshing around, invisible to Congress or the public, where figures are made up and our cash is stacked on pallets and doled out to buy temporary or permanent friends.  That includes the whole military-industrial complex.

I’ll list some of the embarrassing factual issues that Camp retails, which track the capitalist narratives of militarism, racism, Wall Street profiteers, environmental danger, surveillance, election interference and plain media stupidity and cover-ups:

             1.                  Venezuela, Honduras, Nicaragua, Bolivia … Coups?  What coups?

             2.                  Why is it that every country the U.S. sanctions or invades had dropped the dollar as its reserve currency?

             3.                  Lies and wars against Spain, Vietnam, Iraq and Syria.

4.                  100,000 ignored whistle-blower complaints at the Pentagon.

5.                  If you’re country is ‘socialist,’ has oil and minerals or drops the dollar, the U.S. government has a plan for you.  Bill Maher and Nancy Pelosi clap for Juan Guaido!

6.                  Trump’s military drops a bomb every 12 minutes, higher than Obama and Bush.  Nothing to see here, move along.

7.                  Artificial intelligence versus real intelligence.

8.                  The corporate media never talks about the animal torture industry.

9.                  4% of corporate media coverage of the California fires mentioned climate change.

10.            The earth is a piping hot fajita!

11.            Wall Street – a Ponzi scheme you should get in on.

12.            Curing disease depresses profits.

13.            Citigroup and Goldman Sachs chose most of Obama’s 2008 cabinet - and other facts of Wall Street’s influence.

14.            Massive British psy-ops election interference in 2016, a.k.a. Cambridge Analytica.

15.            The pathetic Russian version a.k.a. 8 Floridians and a dog.

16.            ‘Only Blue Lives Matter’ has always been official policy.

17.            Black folks live in a sacrifice zone.

18.            Julian Assange is the good kind of dickhead.  His list of accomplishments.

19.            The “Resistance®” gave Trump unlimited war powers, unlimited surveillance powers, unlimited trade authority, unlimited ability to kill ‘suspected combatants’, unlimited control of election structures and unlimited ‘hostility.’

20.            The Washington Post counts Trump’s many real lies, then lies about them.  The NYT Ivy League hit piece on Camp gets dissected, digested and newly directed.

You get the idea.  Of recent significance, Camp, the Greyzone Project and others have tracked how Democratic Party software operatives, in league with Microsoft, a cyber-security firm called Galois connected to the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) and some neo-cons are all involved in creating ‘free’ open-source election software called Electionguard© that is being recommended for use in all U.S. elections. These same Democratic Party people show up during the prosecution of the failed Russiagate conspiracy as the software ‘authorities’ behind media-darling and discredited software outfits New Knowledge (also connected to DARPA) and Hamilton68.  They show up again in a Russia-blaming ‘false flag’ operation in the Alabama senatorial race.  Not in the book, but the same people have been identified as movers behind the Shadow© app and ACRONYM in the sabotaged Iowa primary.  See a pattern?  Paper ballots anyone?

At any rate, larded with mostly gentle humor, the book is a factual and easy read about the corporate monsters hiding in the closet.  Don’t open that door!

P.S. – We understand Lee Camp will be appearing in Minneapolis in May in a comedy show.  May Day Books will be selling his book at a ‘book talk’ or comedy show at the Hook and Ladder Theater, hopefully co-sponsored by Women Against Military Madness.
Other prior reviews on this subject, use blog search box, upper left:  “Chapo Trap House,” “Multi-Millionaire Comedians,” “The Jesus Comics,” “What Can You Say About Bill Maher?”  “The Ponzi Factor.” Or use the words “Greenwald” or “Russiagate.”

And I bought it at May Day Books!
The Cultural Marxist
February 18, 2020  

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