Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Marching Proudly Backwards to the Future

“The Department of Homeland Decency – Decency Rules and Regulations Manual,” by Frank & Susan Fuller, 2008

This manual is mandatory reading for all citizens.  The document was stolen from the archives of Gilead, the homeland of “A Handmaid’s Tale.”  It is based on a Christian Dominionist takeover of the United States, which has moved the country back to the 1950s.  Though all of it is suspiciously familiar even in 2018, and would not be out of place coming from Evangelical nationalists, Fox News or neo-Confederates. Or Viktor Orban.  Or Jair Bolsonaro.  Or ...
Required Reading after a Dominionist Takeover

It warns us of our enemies and our friends.  It loves the leader.  Women are in their place having babies and cooking.  Prayers are useful.  Gay people, atheists, liberals, vegetarians and socialists are hated.  Buying corporate food, SUVs and chemical lawn fertilizers and pesticides is strongly encouraged.  Surveillance is total and informing is appreciated too.  Meat should be consumed in vast quantities.  A week off is sufficient holiday, but make sure you spend it in an approved location.  Work is always good, no matter the conditions.  Black people or  'other' people do not exist.  Sex is just ‘it’ – I shouldn’t even have brought ‘it’ up.  There is more…you are required to read it.

Being read underground, in private with no one watching, the book can be a mild and somewhat familiar laugh in these dark days of winter, Trump and a failing Capitalism.  Or that permanent global summer thing. However, if you are discovered with this book, or any of the other books sold at May Day Books by the DODH Homeland Neighborhood Posse, you will be quarantined in an isolation cell and made to read the Bible in the dark. 

Quotations from the DOHD Manual:
* “If you are a man and you have a gun collection, clean and polish it while sitting in the living room with the rest of the family while watching the “Family Viewing Hour.” 
* “Tinkering is an acceptable male activity.”
* “Lunch is not free.”
* “Wilderness camping requires traveling light, negating the use of giant coolers filled with enormous amounts of meat and beer that support the Homeland’s food industry.”  (Don’t do wilderness camping, citizen.)
* “Fair and balanced news shows will set conversational agendas.”  Or MSNBC.
* “Day care providers … who do not promote the concept of winning at all costs and don’t practice corporal punishment…” are suspect.
* Our slogan:  “Marching proudly backwards to the future.”

Other prior reviews on comedic subjects:  “The Handmaid’s Tale,” “The End of Free Speech for Sony Pictures...” “The Chapo Guide to Revolution,” “Get Out,” “Crazy Rich Asians,” “Ideation,” "The Dark Side of Christian History" and "A Less Modest Proposal."

And I found it in the recesses of the May Day Books used/cutout section for $2!
The Kultural Kommissar
December 18, 2018

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